Infrared heat (infrared radiation in invisible spectrum) is the opposite of warm air heating systems (eg. calorifier heating ). It uses the oldest principle of natural heating, solar radiation, where heat is submitted directly to the bodies of the heating zone (Figure 1), no heat as warm air flows up and warms the ceiling (Figure 2)
The main advantage of infrared heating is the ability to transfer heat to the people and objects without heating the surrounding air!
Infrared radiation is, as such, extremely energy efficient and suitable for use in harsh environmental conditions (increased humidity, dust, drafts ...). This principle also makes it possible to set the heater so it does not take up space and do not interfere with the manipulation and movement in the heating zone and not in the visual field (do not disturb the aesthetics)
Theadvantages of infrared gas heating systems compared to conventional heating systems
* High energy efficiency, which ranges from 40 to 70%
* The investment is less than investing in conventional heating systems
* Ability to zonal heating (parts of halls, and even open space) * Easy installation and maintenance
* Fast warm-up area
* Uniform temperature distribution
* Eco-clean technology
Infrared heating systems are recommended for installation in:
* Industrial halls with heights greater than 3m
* Production halls for different purposes
* Services, workshops, warehouses
* Sports Hall
* Showroom
* Waiting rooms and platforms
* Greenhouse
* Animal farms
* Semi-open and open garden restaurant
* Coffee shops
* Shops
Gas infrared (dark) heaters
IR tube heaters work on the principle of combustion inside the tube (no open flame) which heats the tube at high temperature, at which radiates infrared (dark) spectrum. This energy is emitted in all directions (figure on right), so it's a big waste of energy. By placing the spotlight radiant energy is directed towards the target zone heating (figure on left).
Pesifit Inženjering has developed two basic types of construction of these heaters, one-tube (labeled ICJG) and two-tube (labeled ICDG) in three power levels (13kW, 22kW and 38kW).
Pesifit Inženjering, po sistemu ključ u ruke, uz sam grejač isporučuje i ugrađuje gasnu i elektro-instalaciju, komandne ormane koji omogućavaju daljinsku kontrolu rada grejača, sistem odvođenja sagorelih gasova (sa centralnim ili pojedinačnim ventilatorima).
Pesifit inženjering gives a 2 year warranty on the built-in heater and equipment, while the maintenance is provided beyond the end of that period.
All types of heaters are equipped with multiple protection that automatically stops the heater if there is a malfunction of the following:
* Power failure
* Loss of gas, jump or drop in pressure of gas
* Extinguishing the flame
* Basic parameters disorder or malfunction
At the customer's request, an optional heater may have:
* Timer (for time control mode)
* Thermostatic control (based on air temperature, or black body - "black bulb")
* Sensor and alarm in case of gas leakage from the installation
* Safety net (from physical damage or attack the ball in sports facilities)
Optimal mounting height can range from 3m to 11m, and the mounting heights that are not in this range are made according to the demand and needs. The number and arrangement of the heater is defined by the size of the facility, in order to obtain a balanced distribution of radiation intensity (figure on left), or on the basis of specific customer requirements - in terms of heating only certain zones (figure on right).