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Dolce Vita

dolce vita


VISIBLE FLAME VIEW FOR OUTDOOR USE Designed by Francisco Gomez Paz.

Lamp/patio heater combined in an only one designing item. Coffee table (optional).

Trolley wheels set.

Lighting Led kit with rechargeable battery (optional). Belt for fastening any LPG cylinder.

Running by LPG and Natural Gas.

Manual or remote control.


Lightfire Dolce Vita, is the name of this new outdoor heater by ITALKERO: stands for quality and innovation and efficiently and economically heats outdoor environments.

daljinacThe fascinating flame and innovative design remind one of the torches of the early pioneers, creating an alternative and fascinating meeting point. This device brightens and enriches any setting at any time of the day. The heat and light, thanks to the LED Lighting Kit rechargeable battery that illuminates the base station, Lightfire Dolce Vita can also be used as lamp outside. 

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Foto dolce vita-1 Foto dolce vita-3